Meru National Park

Meru National Park
Meru is a savanna national park, 35km east of Maua town in the northern eastern lowlands of Kenya below the nyambeni hills. Mari is part of the complex of protected area along the Tana River that includes the adjacent Basanadi and Mwingi national reserves the adjacent Bisanadi and Mwingi National Reserves, kora national reserves. The wetter North western sector is hilly, with rich volcanic soils. The land flatters towards the east, where grey alluvial volcanic soils appear.
The Meru national park is crossed by numerous permanent streams, draining from the Nyamabenes and flowing in parallel eastwards towards the Tana River. As well as the many streams that cross it, the park is bounded by three large rivers that is to say the Tana to the south, the Utra to the south west and the Rojeweru to the east. There are several prominent inselbergs off basement rock, notably Mughwango and leopard rock.
A section of the park has been designated as a wilderness area in which there are no roads. The park is of the domain made famous by the writing of Joy Adamson.
AccessingMeru National Park
Meru national park is located in east north of mount Kenya in Meru district of eastern province in Kenya and can be reached by both air and road transport that is to sat, from Nairobi is 348 km is via Nyeri Nyanyuki, Meru or via Embu all weather roads. Access into the park from Maua to Murera Gate is 35km and 348km from Nairobi. The other access is via Embu to Ura Gate is 120km, 290km from Nairobi inaccessible at the moment.
There is an air strip at Kina Mulika next to Meru Mulika lodge and Elsa’s Kopje airstrip.
And the distance fro Nairobi is 870 sq km.
Climate in Meru National Park
The climatic conditions in the area part of the semi arid zone and have irregular rainfalls. Wet seasons are April to June and November to December. Rainfall is 635 to 762 mm in the west and 305 to 356mm in the east. it should be noted however that visitors can visit Meru national park at any time of the year.
Major attractions in Meru National Park
The former home of joy and George Adamson and Elsa the Lioness, views of Mount Kenya, Grevy’s zebra, elephant, eland, bush pick, common waterbuck, cheetah, leopard, reticulated giraffe, hippopotamus, bohor reedbuck, hartebeest, python, puff adder, cobra, buffalo, gerenuk, more than 300 species of birds are recorded.
The major activities included game viewing in the park and also camping, guided walks, nature walks, line fishing, birding among others.
Accommodation in Meru National Park
The park has a number of lodges; Elsa’s Kopje, leopard rock lodge, the self catering accommodation, Murera Bandas, Kinna Bandas. There are also special campsites including, Kimpi Baridi, Kitanga, Makutano, Rojewuro, Mugung, Ken Mare and Kanjoo also Public campsite at Bwatherogi.